How to create a campaign to promote an event

Attending an industry event is fun. You get to learn new things, meet people and reconnect with old ones. It can also serve as a great source of content for your podcast. Leading up to the event however, you can create a host of content to promote the event creating a mini-campaign. 

In this post, I’ll show you how you can generate content ideas to promote an event. 


A month or so before the event, secure an interview with the organisers to get some information about the event. This will help you know what’s happening and if there’s anything new to expect if the event is an annual thing. 

If the event is new, get background information. Here are a few questions you can ask the organisers:

  1. If its the first time, why did you decide to host this event?
  2. What topics do you plan to cover?
  3. Who are the speakers who will be there?
  4. Why was this focus chosen?
  5. What can persons expect when they come to the event?
  6. Who would get the most out of this event?
  7. You can wrap by asking location and pricing.

As a side note if they are looking to address a particular issue, spend time talking about it. This is a good way to entice your listeners to actually go to the event. As the event will bring out the solutions. 

You can do that in one episode and also do giveaways of tickets or offer early bird pricing. This can serve as an incentive for your listeners to take action and go to the event. Leading up to the event you can do reminders and notices about the event and count down for when the early bird prices will end. 

At the event

While at the event record the live presentations. The easiest way to do this is to get a feed from the PA system engineer and connect your recorder to the system. Just ask around and once you find them they will hook you up. Take detailed notes to share with your listeners. Also, update your social media pages while at the event. 

Live-tweeting using the events hashtags, Instagram pics and stories. 

In addition, get feedback from the persons attending the event using your recorder. These responses can be used for a podcast episode. Talk with the organisers about how well the event is going and general feedback. Also just to pick their brains for plans for next year. You can also ask about turn out. 

Next, talk to some of the keynote speakers to get feedback on their presentations and ask follow up questions from your notes. This can help you clarify anything you might not understand and can help generate more content for your podcast. 

The last thing at the event, talk to business owners with booths at the site. Talk to them about how the event is going as well as get tips to share with your listeners. Ensure the persons you talk to solve a problem relating to your business and your audience.  These interviews can also serve as separate podcast episodes. 


After the event is finished organise all your notes and interviews in a logical order. Episode 1 talks about how the event went and general key discussion points. You can use clips from the keynotes in your show. That’s why you recorded it. 

Episode 2 and 3 is feedback from patrons and sponsors. Let them share how the event went and their experience. Also, anything that can contribute to a full interview from different perspectives.  From there, you can use the tips gathered from the business for future episodes that,s a not event-specific. And depending on how many tips you get will determine how many podcast episodes you can crank out. 

How to make the most of live events for future podcast episodes

Going to industry-related events is a good way to get new content ideas for your podcast. this is so because you can talk to lots of industry insiders and other persons at the conference with valuable information for your audience.

To get started here’s what you’ll need. A portable recorder such a Xoom or Tascam. A dynamic microphone, xlr cables and rechargeable batteries, a notebook and a pen. This is your conference kit.

Once you have your kit ready it’s time to hit the conference. As a side note, you can use your cellphone to do interviews as well. So if you can’t buy the equipment then use what you have.

When you get to the conference first scout the booths and agendas for all activities that you can get valuable information for your audience. Make notes in your notebook before you start to hit the floor. That way you get the relevant interviews. Keep in mind that how you frame your questions will be super important. What you’re looking to get is tips to share on your podcast.

Once you have all the interviews you plan to do, get started collecting information. Connect your microphone for your digital recorder and go up to each booth one by one. When approaching people, smile, say hello and introduce yourself.

When they respond, let them know you want to ask them a few questions to get some tips relating to what they do for your podcast. Example, if the person sells drip irrigation equipment, ask for tips on how persons can set up a system, and maintenance tips. Let them know what the show is about. if they agree to do the interview proceed to ask questions.

Before starting the interview ask the person their name and title. This will help you identify each person you talk to when you are ready to edit. Here are some questions you could ask:

  • How did you get started in the business?
  • Walk me through how your product/software work?
  • what are some tips that people should keep in mind when dealing with this problem?
  • While building your business what challenges did you face? how did you overcome them?

The aim is to get their story and get them to talk about their product and services, as well as give you tips. While doing the interview look the person in the ey. It helps you connect with them as well as let them know you are paying attention. Don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions. As well as ask additional questions to get a full understanding of what they do.

The people you talk to depends on the problem you solve for your audience. Get relevant information that is tied to your show. That way the value you collect will let the experience worth it. BE sure to talk to the event organizers as well as a few of the keynote speakers. TO round out your coverage of the event.

If possible share while you are at the event on your social media channels, and start prepping your episodes while at the event. Take notes of the things you can use and so on. THis will make life easier for you when producing the podcast episodes.

Collect contact information from the persons as well, so that you can share the episode featuring the interview with them for more exposure once uploaded.

These things should help you get the most out of any event you attend.

If you have other methods for covering events. let me know in the comments below. Also, feel free to share any questions.