How teachers can use podcasting to enhance the learning experience

The internet has changed the way people learn. It has provided multiple options and sources for students to find information. Youtube, blogs and podcast have added a new dynamic to the learning experience. But the question is how can educators use these tools to their advantage?

Imagine having a healthy discussion with a group of students around a topic. Some of them bring up points from your podcast or even ask other questions for clarification following an interview you did. That’s what a podcast can do.

Create a Study Resources

Young people live on their mobile phones, so why not create resources for them to use while they are preparing for exams. The beauty of a podcast is that instead of them listening to music, they can playback a lesson for further clarity on a topic. This is a neat idea to have notes in audio form catering to the learner who likes to listen

The other way to utilize a podcast is to add extra material not covered in class. This can be new analogies and examples to further explain your point. These extra examples can make a big difference to students retaining the material.

Expose them to real-world applications

Another way a podcast can help teachers is to talk about real-world applications of a subject. This can be interviewing industry practitioners and subject matter experts about current trends in the industry.

What this does is get persons to buy into the topic by seeing the relevance of what you are talking about. For example, a subject like English, talking to leaders about knowing how to communicate using the written word. This can help students see the relevance of the subject and learn to appreciate it.

Change the teaching style

Finally, changing your approach in your podcast can be a testing ground for new ideas. Maybe a more fun approach can be a way to get listeners drawn to your unique style. Maybe a more practical how-to-style or teach through stories. The possibilities are endless.

The aim is to experiment with different ideas. Finding what your students will respond to and get them drawn into your subject area. Podcasts can add that experience and offer a way to engage with students in a new way.